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Real Estate Seller Lead Generation: Quality vs. Quantity

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Real Estate Seller Lead Generation: Quality vs. Quantity

When creating a real estate seller lead marketing plan, one of the most crucial questions to ask is: do I focus on the quality of my leads, or should I aim to get as many as possible?

Generating a real estate seller lead the right way can be confusing at first. Some experts may argue that you’re better off with a few high-quality leads, whereas others will encourage you to get as many as possible for a quick profit.

Today, we’ll get to the bottom of it. Learn how important each factor is for your real estate marketing campaign and how to balance them for greater results.


Quantity: Casting a Wide Net

Essentially, real estate seller lead quality refers to how many leads you generate from your marketing campaign. In other words, it would be the number of sellers interested in using your services.

Technically, the more leads you have, the better since you’ll have more opportunities to sell your products/services.

Be careful, though; having a lot of leads doesn’t mean you’ll get the same number of customers. If you don’t qualify your leads, they’re less likely to convert into customers, meaning you’ll lose time and money.

Consider “quantity” as casting a wide net over your target audience. While you may get a lot of potential clients, that won’t guarantee that 100% of them will decide to work with you.


Quality: Targeted and Qualified Leads

Quality, on the other hand, refers to how interested, relevant and ready a real estate seller lead is to take action. The action, in this case, would be to hire your services.

A quality lead is someone who has a problem, needs a solution and has the budget/authority to make a decision. In other words, they’re ready to sell.

Furthermore, targeted leads are those with a higher potential for conversion. This could happen because they have a higher interest or a clearer idea of what they want.

Focusing on targeted and qualified leads may help you get better opportunities to convert them.


Striking the Right Balance

Here’s the tricky part of the process. After reading both concepts, you may think that lead quality is much more important than quantity.

In a sense, you would be right since lead quality:


  •   Improves conversion rates
  •   Increases your client’s lifetime value
  •   Improves your brand reputation
  •   Reduces your customer acquisition cost


Should you forget about chasing quantity? Not at all!

You should always aim to strike the right balance between both. While it’s amazing to get higher-quality leads, not all real estate businesses will settle for having just a few of them.

Ideally, you must create a plan that ensures you’re capturing as many quality leads as possible. In other words, focus on quality to achieve quantity eventually, and never work the other way around since it may be less effective.

Now, how would you generate higher-quality leads for your real estate business? The great news is that you can use plenty of strategies, including:


  •   Defining Your Target Audience: Identify your ideal customer. Creating this “profile” ensures you have a better idea of how to sell certain services. Some factors to consider include demographics, pain points, goals, preferences and challenges.
  •   Creating Valuable Content: It’s not just about selling. You should create engaging content that offers new knowledge to your leads. The more information your potential client has, the more likely they’ll be to make a purchase.
  •   Optimizing Websites: Design landing pages that impress. As long as your website is clear, compelling and concise, your lead will be more likely to stay. Additionally, consider optimizing your lead capture forms. Make them not too short or long. Ask the most important questions only.
  •   Remember Lead Nurturing: Nurturing is the process of creating a stronger connection with your lead. You can do this by offering valuable content, providing a custom experience, offering deals and more.
  •   Consider a CRM Platform: These platforms allow you to align your marketing team and its efforts seamlessly. Instead of having your marketing documents all over the place, you can get everything into a simple yet effective dashboard that your team can access.
  •   Test Your Performance: Your strategy won’t last forever. Make sure to update it whenever needed and optimize your website/content. You can use CRM platforms, A/B testing and analytics to get started.



As you can see, there’s no “clear winner” here. You must always aim for a balance between both.

When you focus on nurturing reliable and quality seller leads, you’ll eventually start getting more thanks to positive reviews, word-of-mouth advertising and more.

If you’re looking for the right platform to capture and convert leads seamlessly, consider Sierra Interactive. Our powerful real estate CRM ensures you can create effective seller lead-capturing strategies without the extra effort.

At Sierra, we aim to give you the power of technology to generate leads while providing peace of mind.

Schedule a demo to try Sierra out for yourself!


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