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Using CRM Automation to Boost Real Estate Lead Conversion

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Using CRM Automation to Boost Real Estate Lead Conversion

Automation can help agents focus time on leads likeliest to convert

By: Josh Jankowski, GGMS Co-Founder and VP of Sales and Support

It’s a well-known fact: in the real estate industry, time is money. So, it’s important for real estate agents to focus their attention on the leads that are most likely to convert. Automation can be a critical tool to convert leads, allowing agents to identify hot leads, prioritize their tasks and focus efforts on the leads that are showing the most interest in their business. Here are a few ways to use the automation tools in your CRM to identify and prioritize leads.

Track Lead Behavior on Your Website to Identify Leads Likeliest to Convert

One way to use CRM automation to improve real estate lead conversion is to track lead behavior on your website. With an integrated website and real estate CRM, you can see if a registered lead returns to your site after a certain number of days, saves properties or views a property a certain number of times. This information can help you determine which leads are the most engaged and likely to respond to a phone call or email from an agent. You can set up automations to alert agents of that high-intent behavior, so they can reach out at the right time. (Pro tip: Tracking lead behavior on your web pages using a tool like Google Analytics can help you see which pages visitors are spending the most time on and which ones they’re ignoring – even before they register on your site. Also, this can help you identify the content on your website that’s most resonating with potential clients.)

Use Targeted Email Campaigns to Nurture Leads

Another way to use your CRM automation is to set up targeted email campaigns for leads that have shown interest in your business. These leads may have submitted a form on your site, came to an open house or engaged with your business in some other way. Using automation tools in your CRM, you can drop those leads into an automated action plan that delivers valuable information via emails or texts over a set period of time, eliminating the need for you to communicate with manual touchpoints.

By sending these leads helpful information about the local real estate market, as well as updates about your business, you can keep them engaged and interested in working with you over a longer period of time. As we all know, some leads take longer to convert than others depending on where they’re at in the buying or selling process – up to 12-18 months – so staying top of mind is critical, as is removing the manual work behind it.

Task Prioritization to Convert Real Estate  Leads

Automated task management tools can also be useful in prioritizing tasks for agents. Using automation to assign tasks based on positive signals like lead activity and engagement, helps agents know exactly what to do and when to do it. This way, agents can focus their efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert, rather than wasting valuable time on leads that may not be ready.

Going further, you can use automation to schedule follow-up calls and appointments with leads that have expressed interest in working with your business. This ensures that your agents are staying in touch with leads in a timely manner and keeping the conversation going. 

Overall, by using automation to track lead behavior and assign tasks to agents, you can ensure that your team is focusing their efforts on the hottest leads and that they aren’t wasting time wondering what to do next. This targeted approach can help improve your chances of converting real estate leads into paying clients and growing your business.

GGMS offers marketing services, training and a Sierra-exclusive lead follow up system designed to capture, nurture and convert leads for real estate agents. GGMS uses Sierra’s unique Partner Platform to deliver their effective system of action plans, messaging, tags and content. 


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